Custom Blending

Custom Blending by Superior, Made for Your Farm

The importance of a comprehensive approach to soil nutrition cannot be overstated.

Leibigs law of minimums that states “yield is proportional to the amount of the most limiting nutrient, whichever nutrient it may be”.

While nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and sulphur (S) are indeed crucial for plant growth, they represent just a fraction of the nutrient’s plants require. Superior's custom blending service acknowledges this by offering tailored fertiliser mixes that include a variety of essential elements and compounds, such as trace elements which are often overlooked. These custom blends are designed to match the specific nutritional needs of the soil, ensuring that plants receive a balanced diet that promotes robust growth and health.
This bespoke approach to fertilisation leads to more sustainable farming practices and better crop yields.

For those interested in enhancing their soil's fertility with a custom blend, Superior invites inquiries to explore how their services can meet individual agricultural needs.

Chris has seen a phenomenal turnaround to his pasture and lucerne quality since the first application of Superior and says he expects to keep seeing improvements as the trace elements in his soil build up. The amount of dry matter his two lucerne paddocks have produced has also increased, averaging around 15,000kg of dry matter per hectare and he is getting three to four cuts a season from his lucerne. “I’ll be a Superior customer for life.”

  • Chris Dagg- Hazeel Downs, Queenstown